Camel racing is a game that is fast growing across the Arab countries. It has been in existence as far back as ancient times in the 7th century CE but recently took a new dimension with the introduction of technology. Initially, the average knowledge of any person about a camel is solely about transportation and most especially long slow journeys. In fact, I never knew camels could run so fast until I came across the game. Surprisingly, a camel can maintain a speed of 40 km/h for an hour and an incredible 65 km/h for a short sprint. Today, Arab countries see it as a blend of culture and sport.
What is camel racing?
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Previously overshadowed by horse racing, the camel racing is a sport which involves camels running a predetermined course with riders. It’s a game for attraction and betting popular in Egypt, United Arab emirate, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Pakistan, and Oman among others. Like every other racing sports, the tracks for camel racing ( سباق الهجن ) varies by length. This sport pitches only camels of a similar age that are well-trained and fed to ensure fairness. Aside from being a game for attractions that display the value of culture and oneness, camel racing in Arab countries is also an online game with lots of monetary rewards. You can bet on camel racing ( سباق الجمال ) on websites like Betfinal Sports & Casino, YYYSports,and Emirbet, to mention but few.
Below are some rules and facts about the evolving camel racing;
1. Female camels are more gentle, flexible, and controllable so they are mostly used during the races.
2. Camel owners are allowed to ride during training. However, Camel Racing Robot jockeys are used during racing since child jockey became prohibited.
3. There’s disqualification for prohibited behaviors during races
4. It takes place on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays around 7 am and 2 pm, depending on the country.
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5. Young camels gain more experience and skills when racing with older and more experienced ones.
6. The length of tracks and races are mostly determined by the age of the camels; ten kilometers and above for camels above six years, seven to eight kilometers for age five or six and Four/Five kilometers for age two to four.
7. Camel racing takes place between October and April, as they are the cooler than other months of the year. Among the best known events are the Camel Racing in UAE Culture.
Tips for camel racing bets
Different camels have several attributes and abilities. Like every other racing sport, some are trained for endurance and long distance while some are best for short races. There are bound to be surprise winners during sprint races, so the key to winning your bet is the depth of your research in identifying and understanding the camels with regards to their skill. Often, trainers also have considerable influences of the races.
Either real life or online betting, you have to always take advantage of promo codes and bonuses because the game is just as unpredictable as other sport. Favorites lose at times so you should bet with considerable amounts and play wisely!
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- Accepts Arab players
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- Sportbetting in arabic
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Accepts Arab Players
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- Friendly 24/7 costumer support
- High Bonus
- Accepts Arab players
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- Sportbetting in arabic
- Friendly and helpful 24/7 costumer support
- Live betting

سباق الهجن
سباق الهجن ، رياضة الجري بسرعة ، مع راكب متسابق ، على مسار محدد مسبقًا. تقتصر هذه الرياضة عمومًا على إدارة الجمل – الذي اشتق اسمه من فيلم الفعل اليوناني ....